I’m the exception

Apparently I’M the one that can undo 6 days of staying on point in a span of 12 hours.

I’m that person.

The one who does so good, but then loses all self control.

And in that 12 hour period I managed to screw myself.

I weighed myself on Wednesday (I know I know), and was at 204. Perfect, right?!

Well today, I was back up at 207.

I know it’s water weight. But that doesn’t make it any better. It makes it more frustrating. More infuriating. More depressing.

It’s like I take 2 steps ahead, then I take those same 2 steps backwards.

I’m just treading water.

I’m stuck in neutral.

All by my own doing.

Looking on the positive (ha!) side, atleast these days are no longer 2-3 days of binging.

But something (me) needs to make a change.


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